NAC is making leaps and bounds of positive change and adaptation, in the middle of a pandemic no less! This year we started by introducing 3 different program options. Our next step was opening our doors to both boys and girls. Lastly, just in case that wasn’t enough to sweeten the deal, we are now officially Provisional 1 members of the OCA. We are happy to announce that NAC is seeking accreditation with the OCA.
We decided that since we deliver a fantastic program to our campers and camp families, we also want to pursue accreditation with the Ontario Camps Association. By doing this, our camp parents can have that extra boost of confidence when they send their children to our camp. The process is a long one, and requires a lot of work, but NAC is up for the challenge, and are incredibly excited for this next step.
Could NAC Run without Accreditation from OCA?
The answer is yes! There are many camps that run without accreditation. This can be for a number of reasons. One of the criteria is that a camp must be running for at least 1 year before it can apply for accreditation. This was the case for us last year, which is why NAC has begun seeking accreditation with OCA this year!
What does the Accreditation Process with OCA Entail?
Going through the accreditation process is a lot of work! This isn’t a problem at NAC because we always work hard and put our best foot forward when it comes to our campers! The process involves multiple inspections of policies and practices both written and in person throughout the year. This sort of scrutiny may deter some programs, but we know that our camp is up to the task!
Why is NAC Seeking Accreditation with the OCA?
NAC has decided to seek accreditation for various reasons. Even as Provisional 1 members, we receive mentorship, newsletters, and best practices from camps across the world that we can incorporate into our program to take it a step beyond the incredible program it already is.
Additionally, we believe that we have exceptionally high standards at our camp and would like to receive recognition of this fact. Maintaining membership with the OCA gives us a stamp that ensures parents and campers of the high standards of practice that we continue to obtain.